Friday, March 9, 2012

Why you should not let the Housefly in your Home

The "Housefly" also known as  "Musca domestica", belongs to the family of the"Muscidae" species is grey in color, with a pair of light wings just like other insects and very big eyes like a smooth criminal. it can be found in dirty and unkept areas or buildings, Animal dungs and corpses, un-kept and untidy abattoirs, exposed human faeces, exposed untidy and not-well-kept-toilets and every other place or thing that is very irritating to the sight. It feeds mainly on moisten irritating things like, faeces, dead animal corpse, exposed and untreated wounds and so on. This insect does not bite and chew, it sucks and they can be very frustrating at times especially if you stay in the above mentioned areas where they can be found.
Why you would not like the House fly to be in your Home
It is recorded that the “Housefly” is a carrier of more than 50 diseases and infections especially some of the bacterial and virus diseases known and as we all know, diseases and infections changes the health status of any man from Hale and Hearty to bad if not worse or the worst. This is because they feed on all the food that humans eat, after feeding on dung, animal corpses, exposed toilets and faeces they fly around looking for more to feed and if they smell or sense an exposed food or drink, they perch on it to have a taste of it with their whole body and thereby contaminating such drinks and food. When these contaminated food and drinks is taken or ingested into the system it causes nothing but serious health problems.  Although this is not really good because the money that is supposed to be spent on enjoyment and other business issues is being spent unnecessarily to preserve health because of these creatures called “Housefly”. Some of the major diseases and infections they cause to the health include:
Cholera: this is a bacterial infection caused by a bacterium called Vibro Cholera it affects the small bowel. It is transmitted through dirty or contaminated water and food. Cholera causes entire body weakness, painless diarrhea, dehydration, muscle cramps.
Typhoid: Another disease caused by the famous bacteria called Salmonella Typhi.  It is caused by contaminated food and water and the “Housefly” is a carrier of this also. Typhoid causes muscle weakness, irritating rash, progressive fever, drowsiness, continual constipation, headache, abdominal symptoms. This is normally affects kids between 5-19 years
Painful Diarrhea: this is another infection is caused mainly by the presence of Cholera and this is done via no-thanks to the “Housefly”. This is the passing out of feaces from the body abnormally and at times it includes blood and this can be very painful at times.
Unlimited stomach Upset: When we eat food or water that has been perched on by the housefly, the stomach will bear the consequence that the fly has left in the drink or food. This becomes embarrassing, because when such person is in the midst of friends and colleagues and all of a sudden he releases methane gas from his body, it fouls the air and you know what this means.
Others include: Skin rash and irritation, river blindness, fever and sickness, cough etc
To control this pest we should:
·         Sweep away all stagnant waters.
·         Close and keep the toilets clean at all times.
·         Avoid exposing dead animals in the public.
·         Fumigate your house and surroundings regularly.
·         Wash and clean abattoirs after use.
·         Disinfect the toilets after wash
·         Avoid exposing food and drinks in areas where these pests can be found.
·         Wash dirty plates thoroughly

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rewarding Use Of Lime

Some people take lime primarily for its medicinal value to their health while others hate this citrus mainly because of its sour taste, kids hate it because its not sweet and see it as a punishment whenever mummy or daddy forces it down their throat and if you are among those that find it hard using this fruit, you had better think again because of its health values.

he health benefit of lime includes weight loss skin care good digestion relief from constipation, eye care and treatment of scurvy, piles, peptic ulcer, respiratory disorders gout, gums urinary disorders and so on.
The first fruit that comes to our mind when it comes to medical uses is perhaps the good old lime. This citrus that tastes sour can do what many special medicines cannot do. Lime, which bears the scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, is being used for ages for the treatment of various kinds of ailment
Lime is consumed through out the world in different forms like; sorbet, beverages, refreshing drinks, pickles, jams, jellies, snacks, candies, sugar boiled confectioneries and culinary and the oil extracted from its peel or skin is extensively used in soft drink concentrates, body oils, cosmetics of various kinds, hair oils, tooth pastes, disinfectants, mouth washes, deodorants and other numerous kinds of products. There are many varieties of lime found all over the world, particularly in the Mediterranean and tropical climates where they blossom.
The benefits and Medicinal use of Lime.
Scurvy: Lime is a well known as a cure for scurvy, the disease which is caused as due to deficiency of Vitamin-C and characterized by frequent infections with cough and cold, cracked lips and lip corners, ulcers in tongue and mouth, spongy, swollen and bleeding gums and so on. Since its cause is deficiency of Vitamin C, its remedy is Vitamin C and Lime is richly blessed with Vitamin.
It is said that in the old days soldiers and sailors were given lime to keep safe from scurvy which was a dreaded disease then. Even now, it is distributed among the workers working in polluted environments like those working in furnaces, painting shops, heat treatments, cement factories, mines and so on to protect them from scurvy.
Skin care: Lime juice and its oil are very beneficial for skin for skin when consumed orally or applied extremely. It rejuvenates the skin, keeps it shinning, protects it from infections and reduces body odour due to presence of a large amount of Vitamin C      and flavanoids both of which are class 1 anti oxidants, anti biotic and disinfectants. When applied externally on skin, its acids scrub out the dead cells, cures dandruff, rashes, bruises etc. and gives you a refreshing bath if its juice or oil is mixed with your bathing water.
Digestion: Lime has an irresistible scent which waters the mouth and thus aid primary digestion (the digestive saliva floods your mouth even before you taste it). Then the acids in it will do the rest. While they break down the macro molecules of the food, the flavanoids, the compounds found in the fragrant oils extracted from lime, stimulate the digestive and increase secretion of digestive juices, bile and acids and also stimulate the peristaltic motion. This is the reason behind having lemon pickle with launch and dinner which is an old age practice is some Asian countries.
Constipation: Primarily, the ample of acids present in lime helps clear the excretory system by washing and cleaning off tracts, just like some acids are used to clean and toilets. Then the roughage in it is also helpful in easing constipation. But it is mainly due to high acids. An overdose of lime juice with salt also acts as an excellent purgative without any side effects, thereby giving relief in constipation.
Pimples: This Citrus has been effective in the clearing and the fight against both pimple and pimple scar.A lime juice drink helps clear up acne by detoxifying the body, adding the healing and antioxidant powers of vitamin C and providing collagen to your skin. Also, A lime juice and milk facial helps to improve the skin by clearing up pimples, cleaning out blackheads and healing cracked skin.

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