Friday, March 9, 2012

Why you should not let the Housefly in your Home

The "Housefly" also known as  "Musca domestica", belongs to the family of the"Muscidae" species is grey in color, with a pair of light wings just like other insects and very big eyes like a smooth criminal. it can be found in dirty and unkept areas or buildings, Animal dungs and corpses, un-kept and untidy abattoirs, exposed human faeces, exposed untidy and not-well-kept-toilets and every other place or thing that is very irritating to the sight. It feeds mainly on moisten irritating things like, faeces, dead animal corpse, exposed and untreated wounds and so on. This insect does not bite and chew, it sucks and they can be very frustrating at times especially if you stay in the above mentioned areas where they can be found.
Why you would not like the House fly to be in your Home
It is recorded that the “Housefly” is a carrier of more than 50 diseases and infections especially some of the bacterial and virus diseases known and as we all know, diseases and infections changes the health status of any man from Hale and Hearty to bad if not worse or the worst. This is because they feed on all the food that humans eat, after feeding on dung, animal corpses, exposed toilets and faeces they fly around looking for more to feed and if they smell or sense an exposed food or drink, they perch on it to have a taste of it with their whole body and thereby contaminating such drinks and food. When these contaminated food and drinks is taken or ingested into the system it causes nothing but serious health problems.  Although this is not really good because the money that is supposed to be spent on enjoyment and other business issues is being spent unnecessarily to preserve health because of these creatures called “Housefly”. Some of the major diseases and infections they cause to the health include:
Cholera: this is a bacterial infection caused by a bacterium called Vibro Cholera it affects the small bowel. It is transmitted through dirty or contaminated water and food. Cholera causes entire body weakness, painless diarrhea, dehydration, muscle cramps.
Typhoid: Another disease caused by the famous bacteria called Salmonella Typhi.  It is caused by contaminated food and water and the “Housefly” is a carrier of this also. Typhoid causes muscle weakness, irritating rash, progressive fever, drowsiness, continual constipation, headache, abdominal symptoms. This is normally affects kids between 5-19 years
Painful Diarrhea: this is another infection is caused mainly by the presence of Cholera and this is done via no-thanks to the “Housefly”. This is the passing out of feaces from the body abnormally and at times it includes blood and this can be very painful at times.
Unlimited stomach Upset: When we eat food or water that has been perched on by the housefly, the stomach will bear the consequence that the fly has left in the drink or food. This becomes embarrassing, because when such person is in the midst of friends and colleagues and all of a sudden he releases methane gas from his body, it fouls the air and you know what this means.
Others include: Skin rash and irritation, river blindness, fever and sickness, cough etc
To control this pest we should:
·         Sweep away all stagnant waters.
·         Close and keep the toilets clean at all times.
·         Avoid exposing dead animals in the public.
·         Fumigate your house and surroundings regularly.
·         Wash and clean abattoirs after use.
·         Disinfect the toilets after wash
·         Avoid exposing food and drinks in areas where these pests can be found.
·         Wash dirty plates thoroughly

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rewarding Use Of Lime

Some people take lime primarily for its medicinal value to their health while others hate this citrus mainly because of its sour taste, kids hate it because its not sweet and see it as a punishment whenever mummy or daddy forces it down their throat and if you are among those that find it hard using this fruit, you had better think again because of its health values.

he health benefit of lime includes weight loss skin care good digestion relief from constipation, eye care and treatment of scurvy, piles, peptic ulcer, respiratory disorders gout, gums urinary disorders and so on.
The first fruit that comes to our mind when it comes to medical uses is perhaps the good old lime. This citrus that tastes sour can do what many special medicines cannot do. Lime, which bears the scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, is being used for ages for the treatment of various kinds of ailment
Lime is consumed through out the world in different forms like; sorbet, beverages, refreshing drinks, pickles, jams, jellies, snacks, candies, sugar boiled confectioneries and culinary and the oil extracted from its peel or skin is extensively used in soft drink concentrates, body oils, cosmetics of various kinds, hair oils, tooth pastes, disinfectants, mouth washes, deodorants and other numerous kinds of products. There are many varieties of lime found all over the world, particularly in the Mediterranean and tropical climates where they blossom.
The benefits and Medicinal use of Lime.
Scurvy: Lime is a well known as a cure for scurvy, the disease which is caused as due to deficiency of Vitamin-C and characterized by frequent infections with cough and cold, cracked lips and lip corners, ulcers in tongue and mouth, spongy, swollen and bleeding gums and so on. Since its cause is deficiency of Vitamin C, its remedy is Vitamin C and Lime is richly blessed with Vitamin.
It is said that in the old days soldiers and sailors were given lime to keep safe from scurvy which was a dreaded disease then. Even now, it is distributed among the workers working in polluted environments like those working in furnaces, painting shops, heat treatments, cement factories, mines and so on to protect them from scurvy.
Skin care: Lime juice and its oil are very beneficial for skin for skin when consumed orally or applied extremely. It rejuvenates the skin, keeps it shinning, protects it from infections and reduces body odour due to presence of a large amount of Vitamin C      and flavanoids both of which are class 1 anti oxidants, anti biotic and disinfectants. When applied externally on skin, its acids scrub out the dead cells, cures dandruff, rashes, bruises etc. and gives you a refreshing bath if its juice or oil is mixed with your bathing water.
Digestion: Lime has an irresistible scent which waters the mouth and thus aid primary digestion (the digestive saliva floods your mouth even before you taste it). Then the acids in it will do the rest. While they break down the macro molecules of the food, the flavanoids, the compounds found in the fragrant oils extracted from lime, stimulate the digestive and increase secretion of digestive juices, bile and acids and also stimulate the peristaltic motion. This is the reason behind having lemon pickle with launch and dinner which is an old age practice is some Asian countries.
Constipation: Primarily, the ample of acids present in lime helps clear the excretory system by washing and cleaning off tracts, just like some acids are used to clean and toilets. Then the roughage in it is also helpful in easing constipation. But it is mainly due to high acids. An overdose of lime juice with salt also acts as an excellent purgative without any side effects, thereby giving relief in constipation.
Pimples: This Citrus has been effective in the clearing and the fight against both pimple and pimple scar.A lime juice drink helps clear up acne by detoxifying the body, adding the healing and antioxidant powers of vitamin C and providing collagen to your skin. Also, A lime juice and milk facial helps to improve the skin by clearing up pimples, cleaning out blackheads and healing cracked skin.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Agony caused by River and Stream water

Water a free gift of nature given to us by God, for the continuation of live in both plants and animals. Water does a lot of good things to the environment man lives, like making green plants produce more fruits and food, quenching our thirst when we are thirsty, assists in the transportation of blood and food nutrients round our the body and so on, but its only the clean and well filtered water that posses these characteristics. Just as the the clean water posses good qualities, the dirty or water is completely opposite in nature.
Dirty water causes water borne diseases and water borne diseases are the diseases that are transmitted through the ingestion of dirty or infected water into the body. As we all know water becomes dirty or unpure when it is has contaminated or when it contains a mixture or colors and the same principle applies to that of the river and stream water that people rely on in developing states and countries of the world.

The Stream and river drank by these people unknowingly to them is killing them little by little or its transmitting a disease that will sooner or later kill them well they are not to be blamed for this, rather their illiteracy, bad government, poverty level and their poor condition of living. Somehow the big industries and the elite ones are responsible for the pollution of these stream and river water that they drink as we know that the common causes of these water pollution is caused by:
 Chemicals: some huge industries dispose their waste chemical contents in the river, which is very bad and aside contaminating the water it also kills aquatic life, thereby making the water unsafe for drinking. Some Farm owners whose farm are located to a river or stream also contribute to this factor because the substance they use to control pest and insects on their farm also contains chemicals, now when the rain comes it washes the chemicals on the body of these plants straight into the river or stream and hence the water becomes contaminated.
Sewage or waste disposal: When waste materials are dropped in the river it makes the water dirty and unsafe for consumption because the waste materials contains bacteria, virus, fungi, algae which are not friendly to humans because of the disease they carry along with them like Typhoid, Cholera, Hookworm and they also cause kidney failure, heart failure, sickness and also makes the body in general weak or it makes one not to be able to do the things he can do before.
Animal & Human Droppings: Animal &Human droppings also contribute to the factors that make river water unsafe for consumption. After drinking water these animals begin to excrete in the river, this is not safe at all. Even Humans, after excreting in the bush they come out to the river and begin to wash their ass in the river. this is not helpful either.
Leaking Pipes: Pipes that are passed underground can burst and start leaking at any time and once this happens it contaminates the water and if ingested it can lead to loss of life.
Farm: The farm also contributes to the contamination of river water and as explained earlier, pesticides used in controlling pests in the farm is one of the causes just as: animal carcass, fertilizers, manure and so on.

Effects of River and Stream water on health
The effects of this dirty water on the human health is very very sad, because they are bad news to the ear.
They make us spend money unnecessarily on health.
It makes us ill and weakens our body.
It causes excess and abnormal sweat.
It makes one not to go for business trips, attend fun centers and school {damn}
it terminates life.
it makes some organs of the body to fail or malfunction.
it pollutes the body internally.
it causes chronic diseases and if not treated on time the consequences can be severe.
It makes one to suffer from an intellectual myopia.{i.e the person cannot think far{ U know what i mean}}.
It makes reading tiring.

Health Quote: Before thirty, men seek disease; after thirty, disease seeks men
Chinese proverb                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                      Image from:

Friday, February 24, 2012

I Dislike Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. It is a common disease in the sub continent and affects all age groups.
The disease is transmitted from human to human via food or drinking water, and it is therefore mainly hygiene and sanitary conditions that determine its spread.
Typhoid fever is still common in the developing world, where it affects about 12.5 million persons each year. Inflammation of the small and large intestine follows. In severe infections, which can be life threatening, sores may develop in the small intestine.

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Always Confusion
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Rash
The bacteria that cause typhoid fever S. typhi spread through contaminated food, drink, or water. If you eat or drink something that is contaminated, the bacteria enter your body. They travel into your intestines, and then into your bloodstream, where they can get to your lymph nodes, gallbladder, liver, spleen, and other parts of your body.
A few people can become carriers of S. typhi and continue to release the bacteria in their stools for years, spreading the disease.
Poor sanitation, contaminated water and infected milk are some of the main factors responsible for typhoid.
Flies contaminate the food with germs. People carrying the germs can also spread the disease if they prepare or serve food.
Wrong dietary habits and faulty lifestyle lead to accumulation of toxic waste in the body and promotes typhoid fever.
Typhoid is common in people who eat more meat and meat products.
A contaminated water where there is inadequate sewerage systems and poor
Treatments and Prevention
  • Appropriate antibiotics are given to kill the bacteria. There are increasing rates of antibiotic resistance throughout the world, so the choice of antibiotics should be a careful one. 
  • Wash your hands carefully with soap and water after using the bathroom
  • Visit the hospital immediately you notice any of the signs above for proper treatments and follow ups to avoid Do a stool test to check if there are still Salmonella typhi bacteria in your faeces. If there are, it means that you are a carrier of typhoid fever and you will need to have a further 28-day course of antibiotics to "flush out" the bacteria.
  • If you have typhoid avoid handling or preparing food.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Things We do that weakens our body

There are certain things we do that do not go down well with our body system and when these things are done, the efficiency of the body begins to reduce and thus producing some kind of negative or poor result than what we were once capable of doing.
When I say "the body", i do not generally mean the skin alone, its a combination of all our immune system and the sense organs that makes a human being. There are certain things we do and don't do, food we eat and do don't eat and the places we go, that generally affect the good health condition of the body and if one continues in ignorance and keep doing these things that person maybe shortening his life on earth.
Things we do that weakens our body include;
In general some food we take these affect us either on the inside or on the outside and too much of these things can knock out the body when you need it the most. Foods like;
Sweets and Sugary things: Taking too much sugary things like sweets, icing sugar on cakes is very very bad for the health and the immune system of the body because it weakens the cells and can lead to hazardous health conditions like diabetes, pile and so on. it also makes the person to feel weak and sleep a lot. It also makes urine very painful at times.
Taking too much fatty food: Fats are organic compounds that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are a source of energy in foods. Fats belong to a group of substances called lipids, and come in liquid or solid form. All fats are combination of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Eating too much saturated fat is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. A diet high in saturated fat causes cholesterol to build up in the arteries, because of its high calorie content, it increases the chance of becoming obese.
So therefore lets also avoid foods that are high in cholesterol also and we can do this by limiting the way we eat snacks, red meats and so on.
Lack of Vital Nutrients in food: Another reason why some food we eat makes our body weak is because they lack the essential food nutrients like vitamins, carbohydrate, proteins and so on which helps to boost the body immune system an makes the sense organs very active.
Some drinks we take also play a role on health either positively or negatively whether you like it or not. drinks like;
Water: Water is one of the essential nutrients we needs that keeps the body going, it moisturizes the body and quenches thirst when when we are thirsty but how does it affect us. Water affects our health when it becomes unclean and when taken unclean it causes so many infections and diseases that can knock off the body like Cholera, Typhoid, Dysentery and other water borne diseases which are very deadly.
Soft drinks and Beverages: Some take soft drinks a lot like fanta, coca cola, sprite, mountain dew, soda and so on. Thinking this is enjoyment some people tend to consume as much as 5-8 bottles a day, but the actual truth is that there is no enjoyment in these drinks, because they contain too much sugar calories, which is bad for the immune system and the white blood cells because they weaken the immune system of the body and thus predisposing the body to infections. The side effects of these drinks is that they are the main source of chronic diabetes, they damage the liver, causes pile, damage the kidney and other things.
Also, some of the locally made ice-cream are also not good for consumption, because they are made with certain chemicals and some things like crayons. so parents are advised not to allow their children patronize such quacks.
The places we visit are also not exempted as of the things that weakens our body. Places like
Under the Sun: Staying under hot sun for too long is advisable, anything from 12pm -3pm is no longer safe because the powerful rays of the sun can cause some severe damage to the body like sunburn, severe headache, skin cancer and so on. So places that have high temperatures from the sun are no go area for people who wants a healthy life.
Industries with high radioactivity; industries with radioactivity are one of the places that one can go and the body begins to feel funny. this is because of the kind of product they deal with, substances like Uranium. Exposure to uranium can result in both chemical and radiological toxicity. The main chemical effect associated with exposure to uranium and its compounds is kidney toxicity. This toxicity can be caused by breathing air containing uranium dusts or by eating substances containing uranium, which then enters the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the uranium compounds are filtered by the kidneys, where they can cause damage to the kidney cells and other parts of the body. Another radioactive substance is Plutonium. Radioactive substance on health can also to lead to cancer.
So lets be careful of what we do, what we eat and drink and also where we go so we can always keep fit at all times.
Anywhere you see the radioactive sign below it means that place is highly radioactive and you should be out of there as quickly as possible

Health Quote: "Good Health Is in our hands"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why Vitamins in meals are important (pt1)

Vitamins are organic compounds required as vital nutrients in tiny amounts in the body. they are essential micro nutrients the body needs for growth and development, cellular, bone and immune system function, maintenance of health and prevention of diseases Vitamins are organic substances, because they are produced in plants and animals and deficiencies or excess amounts of vitamins can increase the risk of health problems. In other words, an organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism and must be obtained from the diet. As we know there are 13 vitamins essentially recognized at present.
Classification of vitamins
Vitamins are classified based on their biological and chemical activity and not according to their structure and are named under an alphabetized vitamin “generic descriptor title”.
There is therefore vitamin A, the B-complex which includes B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B12, C, D, E and K. these 13 vitamins are further grouped as either fat-soluble vitamins or water-soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K and are so-called; because they are nutrients the body can store in the liver or fat cells and are used when needed.
The body does not store water soluble vitamins and so consume them immediately to avoid deficiencies and reduce the risk of associated diseases and conditions, so there is need to get them from food every day. They are the B vitamins. B1, B2, B3, B6 and C.
Functions and Importance of Vitamins
Vitamins perform diverse biochemical functions. Some perform like hormones; as regulator of cells and tissue growth and differentiation like some forms of Vitamin A. They also function as antioxidants like Vitamin E and sometimes vitamin C. The largest number, the B complex vitamins function as precursors for enzyme co-factors that help enzymes in their work as catalysts in metabolism. In this role, vitamins may be tightly bound enzymes as part of prosthetic groups. For example, biotin is among enzymes involved in making fatty acids. Vitamins may also be less tightly bound enzyme catalysts like co-enzymes and detachable molecules. For example, folic acid carries various forms of carbon group-methyl, formyl and methylene-in cells. Although these roles in assisting enzymes-substrate reactions are vitamins best known function, their other functions are equally important.  

Doing a Diabetes Checklist

Managing diabetes is quite challenging to physicians and also tasking to the person living with diabetes. As diabetes are on the increase these days there are certain steps you must take on your own, while there are others you need to take in conjunction with your physicians and other genuine health care givers as there are quakes these days. These must be clearly spelt out.
it has been well established that diabetes can lead to long term complications in the eyes, nerves, kidneys and other organs of the body hence the need for close self monitoring helps to prevent or delay the occurrence of these complications, or when they are present ensure early detection and hence prevention of further untoward occurrence.
Diabetic patients should must be aware of the minimum examination that should be carried out on them by their health care providers at every visit and those that must be carried out at least once in a year. Similarly, there are certain tests that they ought to do in the laboratory at specified periods of time in the year.
At every visit to the physician your blood pressure should be checked and your feet should be inspected. The blood test called A1c (Glycosylated haemoglobin, HBA1c) which is the best index for monitoring diabetes control as each result gives a summary of how well controlled the blood sugar level has been in the last eight to twelve weeks should be done about four times in a year.
At least once in a year, a comprehensive examination of the feet should be carried out by the health care giver. Also, a comprehensive examination of the eye by an Ophthalmologist and of the teeth by a Dentist should be carried out. In the same vein a comprehensive laboratory test of kidney function should be carried out, this will include the test called microlbuminuria in the urine and creatinine and urea in the blood.
the frequency of your personal blood sugar checks at home with your glucometer should be arrived at in conjunction with your Doctor. These home records should be shown to physician at each visit because these records play a role in the adjustment of your medications.
Your goals for blood sugar and blood pressure control should be arrived at with your physicians. These may actually be the same for all persons with diabetes, as age and presence of diabetes complications have a role to play in setting individual control goals. However, the generally set goal for blood pressure for the person with diabetes is a blood less than 130/80mmHg while that of A1c is than 7%. The fasting blood sugar level should 6mmol/1(108mg/dl) and below while two hours after the food the blood sugar level should not be allowed to below 3.3mmol/1 (60mg/dl).
When your blood cholesterol level is checked, the LDL-Cholesterol (bad Cholesterol) level should be below 100mg/dl (2.5mmol/l); the HDL Cholesterol (good cholesterol) should be greater than 40mg/dl (1.1mmol/l) in men and 50mgdl (1.1mmol/l) in women while trigcerides shoud be below 150mg/dl (3.8mmol/l).
Abnormally high blood cholesterol levels increase the risk of developing a heart attack and having a stroke.
When your Kidney function test called microbumiuria is done, your urine will be tested and the amount of protein coming out in your urine should be less than 30mcg/mg creatine. Any result above this level indicates level Kidney damage. So therefore it sometimes necessary to ask your physicians when you are scheduled to have any of these comprehensive examinations or investigations. Most physicians will welcome this as you are then seen as a very active participant in the management of your own health. Your meal plan must also be discussed from time to time with your dietitian and other health care providers caring for you. In a similar vein, your exercise schedule should be reviewed from time to time with your physicians and Physiotherapists. Another thing again is that you must always their contact information with you such phone no, email, address.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cleaning and Survival Tips For allergy and Asthma Sufferers

When allergy season is around the corner, add to that heat and humidity and you you have a miserable time for anyone suffering from allergies or asthma, but there are things you can do in your home to make breathing a lot easier.
In this case your most indispensable tool will be the vacuum cleaner. ideally the first time you do a vacuuming for allergies, you will want to thoroughly vacuum Walls, behind furniture, mattresses, pillows, upholstery, window and door screens and vents, and dusting every crevice , including things like the radio, television, backs of furniture's and even the ceiling fan blade. Spend a little more time than usual vacuuming upholstery and rugs to let the vacuum get up the majority of the dust and pollen.
A quick carpet cleaning and changing air filters furnace filters finishes up the initial job.
To maintain dust ceiling fans, blinds, window treatments and furniture, vacuum window screens and sills, especially if you leave your window open.
Vacuum all upholstery where pets keep themselves comfortable.
-Thoroughly vacuum rugs at least once a week.
-The vacuuming will take a little longer, but you'll find you'll be spending less time dusting, so it evens out
You also want to change your hand towels everyday, just in case it's a virus triggering the response.
-If you have pets keep them clean and brushed and their living areas clean as well. keep out of the bedrooms of affected people.
-The list of things  that typically trigger asthma is long - House dust mites found in carpeting, mattresses, bed linens, toys, Upholstered furniture, dampness, poor ventilation, un-vented cooking, humidifiers; Animal derived allergens from dogs, cats, rodents and birds; Mold found in carpeting, walls and windows, caused by leaks, poor ventilation, water damage or dampness;
Nitrogen oxides produced by space heaters or gas fueled cooking stove, used with poor ventilation; Wood smoke from  wood stoves or fireplaces, used with poor ventilation, or faulty equipment causing fumes to come back into the room.
-Fumes from Cleaners, aerosols like hairsprays, perfumes and even air fresheners, pesticides, formaldehyde found in some older household products; Viral respiratory infections- exposure to infected people; Endo-toxins from bacteria growing in soil, humidifiers, and other moist places; Cockroach allergen; Tobacco smoke;
-Over weight people are also prone to Asthma.
Becoming a vacuuming fanatic is one thing you can do to minimize allergy or asthma suffering because the more you get into the bag, the less floating around in the air to breathe in. This is healthier and you will have less dusting to do.
-There are dietary things you can do to help ease your attacks too. Apples, Apple cider, vinegar, coffee, garlic, hot peppers,kiwi, lemons, onions, Pawpaw and the most effective of them all Pineapple helps to reduce respiratory and sinus problems.
-Taking enough magnesium, Vitamins B-6, B-12, C and eating foods rich in antioxidants

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ways to Extinct cholera In Homes

It is No longer News that Cholera is gradually wiping out families especially in the Northern parts of Nigeria and some other African countries, this Cholera has been around for a long time and is responsible for almost half of the death cases caused by water borne diseases worldwide.
This disease is very very unfriendly and has robbed people of friends and family, It shows no mercy. Sometime ago I was reading in the newspaper how this cholera has killed almost 3,500 people in the Sub-Saharan countries alone just from January to September in 2011 and despite the Government's and the relevant agencies move to terminate this disease it just keeps on waxing stronger and spreading even more than before.
What is Cholera?
This is an acute intestinal infection caused by the ingestion or taking of food contaminated with a bacteria called Vibrio Cholarae. it is very fatal if not detected and treated on time
Causes of the disease includes; War, Civil Unrest, Natural Disasters, flies, Uncooked food, Raw shellfish and others such as oysters, Unpeeled and raw fruits and vegetables and grains. Another thing again that can cause this disease is the so-called pure water that is hawked on the roads and streets. A lot of people don't know this but the so-called Pure water some of us take these days are one of the primary causes of Cholera.

Symptoms of the disease Includes also:
  • Dehydration
  • Stomach cramps
  • Watery Diarrhea with one kind fishy smell
  • Low urine
  • Loss of Skin Elasticity
  • Dry Mouth and skin
  • Low Blood pressure
  • Excessive Thirst
  • Sudden Weakness
  • Restlessness
  • and the most popular of them all Nausea and vomiting..
  • The disease also occurs freely in nature in water
Prevention and ways to extinct Cholera in homes
Although even as tough as the disease can be, it can also be prevented as Prevention they say is far far better than cure. Cholera can be prevented in families and the environment in many ways
Eat well cooked and still hot foods only.
  • Do not eat Unpeeled fruits or vegetables as they now act as a catalyst.
  • Do not consume raw fish for anything or cooked fishes that have stayed for more than 2 days.
  • Drink water that has been properly boiled or treated with chlorine or iodine either by you or a trusted source.
  • Try to avoid Salads
  • Do not take the pure water that is sold on the street. Although some of the pure water are genuine but once it stays more than three days from its date of production it is no longer safe for drinking and therefore act as a medium for contacting Cholera. So before you drink try to check its production date and note the day you bought it before you drink.
  • Avoid food and beverages from the so-called street vendors and Hawkers because your life is way important than you think.
  • Take coconut water and cucumber Juice regularly.
  • Take Lemons at times because it helps to reduce the levels of cholera bacilli.
  • Limit your visit from areas with a high record of Cholera out break.
  • Do not drink water from the well unless it well boiled or treated with Chlorine or iodine.
  • Avoid exposing your food or peeled fruits so flies and other insects wont infect it for you

Heath Quote: Look to Your Health and Value it next to good conscience because good health is more precious than money......

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