Why you would not like the House fly to be in your
It is recorded that the “Housefly”
is a carrier of more than 50 diseases and infections especially some of the bacterial
and virus diseases known and as we all know, diseases and infections changes
the health status of any man from Hale and Hearty to bad if not worse or the
worst. This is because they feed on all the food that humans eat, after feeding
on dung, animal corpses, exposed toilets and faeces they fly around looking for
more to feed and if they smell or sense an exposed food or drink, they perch on
it to have a taste of it with their whole body and thereby contaminating such
drinks and food. When these contaminated food and drinks is taken or ingested
into the system it causes nothing but serious health problems. Although this is not really good because the
money that is supposed to be spent on enjoyment and other business issues is
being spent unnecessarily to preserve health because of these creatures called “Housefly”.
Some of the major diseases and infections they cause to the health include:
Cholera: this is a bacterial infection caused by a bacterium called
Vibro Cholera it affects the small
bowel. It is transmitted through dirty or contaminated water and food. Cholera causes
entire body weakness, painless diarrhea, dehydration, muscle cramps.
Typhoid: Another disease caused by the famous bacteria called Salmonella Typhi. It is caused by contaminated food and water
and the “Housefly” is a carrier of this also. Typhoid causes muscle weakness,
irritating rash, progressive fever, drowsiness, continual constipation,
headache, abdominal symptoms. This is normally affects kids between 5-19 years
Painful Diarrhea: this is another infection is caused mainly by the
presence of Cholera and this is done via no-thanks to the “Housefly”. This is
the passing out of feaces from the body abnormally and at times it includes
blood and this can be very painful at times.
Unlimited stomach Upset:
When we eat food or water that has been perched on by the housefly, the stomach
will bear the consequence that the fly has left in the drink or food. This becomes
embarrassing, because when such person is in the midst of friends and
colleagues and all of a sudden he releases methane gas from his body, it fouls
the air and you know what this means.
Others include: Skin rash and
irritation, river blindness, fever and sickness, cough etc
To control this pest we should:
Sweep away all stagnant waters.
Close and keep the toilets clean at all times.
Avoid exposing dead animals in the public.
Fumigate your house and surroundings regularly.
Wash and clean abattoirs after use.
Disinfect the toilets after wash
Avoid exposing food and drinks in areas where
these pests can be found.
Wash dirty plates thoroughly
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