Dirty water causes water borne diseases and water borne diseases are the diseases that are transmitted through the ingestion of dirty or infected water into the body. As we all know water becomes dirty or unpure when it is has contaminated or when it contains a mixture or colors and the same principle applies to that of the river and stream water that people rely on in developing states and countries of the world.
The Stream and river drank by these people unknowingly to them is killing them little by little or its transmitting a disease that will sooner or later kill them well they are not to be blamed for this, rather their illiteracy, bad government, poverty level and their poor condition of living. Somehow the big industries and the elite ones are responsible for the pollution of these stream and river water that they drink as we know that the common causes of these water pollution is caused by:
Chemicals: some huge industries dispose their waste chemical contents in the river, which is very bad and aside contaminating the water it also kills aquatic life, thereby making the water unsafe for drinking. Some Farm owners whose farm are located to a river or stream also contribute to this factor because the substance they use to control pest and insects on their farm also contains chemicals, now when the rain comes it washes the chemicals on the body of these plants straight into the river or stream and hence the water becomes contaminated.
Sewage or waste disposal: When waste materials are dropped in the river it makes the water dirty and unsafe for consumption because the waste materials contains bacteria, virus, fungi, algae which are not friendly to humans because of the disease they carry along with them like Typhoid, Cholera, Hookworm and they also cause kidney failure, heart failure, sickness and also makes the body in general weak or it makes one not to be able to do the things he can do before.
Animal & Human Droppings: Animal &Human droppings also contribute to the factors that make river water unsafe for consumption. After drinking water these animals begin to excrete in the river, this is not safe at all. Even Humans, after excreting in the bush they come out to the river and begin to wash their ass in the river. this is not helpful either.
Leaking Pipes: Pipes that are passed underground can burst and start leaking at any time and once this happens it contaminates the water and if ingested it can lead to loss of life.
Farm: The farm also contributes to the contamination of river water and as explained earlier, pesticides used in controlling pests in the farm is one of the causes just as: animal carcass, fertilizers, manure and so on.
Effects of River and Stream water on health
The effects of this dirty water on the human health is very very sad, because they are bad news to the ear.
They make us spend money unnecessarily on health.
It makes us ill and weakens our body.
It causes excess and abnormal sweat.
It makes one not to go for business trips, attend fun centers and school {damn}
it terminates life.
it makes some organs of the body to fail or malfunction.
it pollutes the body internally.
it causes chronic diseases and if not treated on time the consequences can be severe.

It makes reading tiring.
Health Quote: Before thirty, men seek disease; after thirty, disease seeks men
Chinese proverb
Image from: fincaleola.com
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